Who waits for the master
To appear?
Are they near?
Still here-in
But where?

Something in the air
All around
In every sound

If you see a Buddha on the road-
Kill them!

If you serve your Lord, as a servant
Do a service-
Be bold!

Enlightenment is not only for a few
The master looks out through you

Awareness itself is divine
Looking out through your eyes

THE LOST PEARL: a Taoist poem by Chuang Tzu, interpreted by Thomas Merton

The Yellow Emperor went wandering
To the north of the Red Water
To the Kwan Lun mountain. He looked around
Over the edge of the world. On the way home
He lost his night-colored pearl
He sent out Science to seek his pearl, and got nothing
He sent out Analysis to look for his pearl, and got nothing
He sent out Logic to seek his pearl, and got nothing
Then he asked Nothingness, and Nothingness had it!

The Yellow Emperor said:
“Strange indeed: Nothingness
Who was not sent
Who did not work to find it
Had the night-colored pearl!”


Those who used to be the night-watchmen

Now outcast and forgotten

In a world of daytime dreams

And of ladders of hierarchy

They struggle to conform

Or remain outside the social norm

Holding to themselves their insights

From the depths of the quiet night

Waiting to be of service again

When some finally break through they are once again regarded by their fellow man

But until then they still keep guard

Not for king or queen but for themselves as lord

Of their own kingdoms, their silent keeps

While serfs and merchants get their sleep

To rise again and play worldly games

And get their phantom, empty gains

But these nocturnal sentinels need no gems

Yet as they selflessly keep watch who watches them?

…Tell me please, who watches the night-watchmen?


Sometimes he waits beside the water’s edge
While thoughts of happier times
Drift on by
And he says goodbye

Tosses them on the pile
Then lights on fire
The last of a past
That is left behind

Before he dies
He hopes to gather
Enough fragments
Of days content
To like this again say
A farewell to them

The hope softens
For nostalgia’s blossom
Instead of more regrets
Of a bandaged broken man
Repaired by the hands
Of those around him
Family and friends

If they would only see
Just how grave is he
Teetering by this edge
Wondering how to be on the ground
Instead of drifting off the ledge
And from the current drown

A liquid state
No solid place
To plant his feet
No maker to meet
Just a manifestation
An incarnation
Stuck in incarceration

Will you bring carnations
To his memorial
Or a lotus that grew from the mud
Like he did among
False accusations slung

These last days will soon be marked
If he cannot rise again from the dark

Sometimes he stands among the trees
And wonders if they really see
Him better than other beings
He watches as leaves
Rustle in the breeze
Hopes of better findings
Bend around horizon
Beneath the belt of Orion

If there will soon be chance
For a wallflower to again dance
He will not just wait
His own meaning he will name
As one half of twin flame

One last thought from him
Before you go
He says that all he knows
Is “I am”
And if you say this too
As highest prayer
He and you
Could make amends
Over the water onto the land

Sometimes he stands beside the water’s edge
Looks down and sees me for all that I am